320px 480px 640px UTOPIA – Interdisziplinäres Forschendes Lernen zur Stadt der Zukunft für mehr Nachhaltigkeit
320px 480px 640px HEiDi-Bio (Handlungsregulationsgeleitetes Experimentieren mit innovativen Medien in der Biologiedidaktik)
320px 480px 640px Inclusion, team-teaching, and inquiry learning in biology classes – Development of a model seminar for teacher education
320px 480px 640px Development & evaluation of a project week for meaningful learning and teaching of nature of science in a german biology class
320px 480px 640px Getting practical – How to incorporate living animals in a behavioral ecology context into inquiry-based science education lessons
320px 480px 640px Photosynthese Digital - Befunde zum Tableteinsatz in einem Photosynthese-Experiment